My dress has pretty flowers...

Gabby is learning to dress herself. Her doll friends are proud of her. And sometimes offer guidance...

(Click the right arrow on the photo for the next panel. 6 Panel story.)

Characters in order of appearance...

Gabby, a Little Tonner Patsy. We keep an eye on her. She has a curious mind, and few boundaries...

Xenny, a handpainted Little Darling by Helen Skinner. Sweet...

It's a loop right now! Imagine "The End" at the end of the 6th panel. Thanks!

6 Panel Story...then it loops!

Comments: 2
  • #2

    Jano (Sunday, 09 August 2015 14:04)

    Hi Jeff! Good to hear from you!
    I am so glad it works okay for you!
    I noticed on mine I have to click on the first photo to start the slide.
    You saw the one on "The Others" too? Shady photos...
    Getting there! :)

  • #1

    Jeff (Sunday, 09 August 2015 13:28)

    I like it seemed to flow well on my phone.