Fashion in Dolltown...

Doll collecting!

For some, that means once you have a doll, pristine and new (or even second hand), that means all you have to do is find a dark space with no dust.

No dress changes.

No accommodating seasonal weather.

No photo adventure shoots requiring jeans and a Tshirt....


But for some of us, collecting dolls means that almost every doll gets clothes, clothes for spring, summer, fall, and winter.

At least for those of us in four season climates.


And the dolls need some special outfits, like for Halloween or party time, or exploring or traveling!


The Doll Fashion Pages are dedicated to the clothing and accessories that make the Dolls here in Dolltown action ready. And there's a whole page of a fashion shoot showing Montreal's Pachom's versatile and pretty basics.

And the wigs! Part of fashion, for sure!

There's some catching up to do. I have to research my sources. And we have already had many photo shoots.


But a few favorites have been featured already. And I will include photos of outfits to help me focus my searches....


If you are a dolly dressmaker, especially those of you who sell on eBay and Etsy,

and you see an outfit here, unidentified, and you know it's yours, drop me a line!



Comments: 2
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    Jano (Wednesday, 04 November 2015 15:24)

    Hi Sharon!
    That is so true about when a new dolly arrives...
    Clothing changes take a surprising amount of time! I just changed my Helen Skinner Rosanna back into her the adorable old fashioned outfit that she came in, as a Halloween costume. 8 tiny boot buttons...
    And getting the bjd's into, and out of their clothes...and boots. OMG
    However, a dedicated doll collector just persists, for the joy of it! lol

    Coats! We need them here for sure, so I just got them out of the bottom drawer. Now we'll see who gets what...
    Oh, and I suppose this means I need to change up my own seasonal clothes! Hahaha

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    Sharon in Spain x (Wednesday, 04 November 2015 14:48)

    I'm so with you on this, I just cannot imagine having a new doll and not playing with it. I sometimes worry that when I do get a new doll, that doll gets all the attention and the others have to just wait for me to turn back to them again, but at least I do end up turning back eventually!
    I love to keep changing their clothes.....sometimes I get a bit antsy because I find an outfit that really really suits a particular doll and don't actually WANT to change the doll, but I make myself do so and then I know I can always come back to it again.
    Because my girls don't really need coats I sometimes feel bad that they don't have any really...there might be the odd coat hanging around that I put on one of them and watch the poor kid sweating their socks off as it really isn't necessary, but they don't have outfits for 'occasions' and holidays.....I just put what I fancy on them at the time. They do have a lot of clothes though, waaaaay too many!
    I look forward to seeing all your clothing changes etc.