This new Robin Woods boy, Dickens, is ready for a change, much as he loved his green velvet, purple ruffled outfit.
We found him a brown pair of trousers, a button up shirt, and he agreed to switch shoes with Will...
But he's still vacillating about cutting his hair. What do you think?

Will is really happy with his own makeover so he was very helpful in helping Dickens find a new look.
And he figures Dickens black boots are a step up from the brown leathers he arrived in. A little closer to those long toe shiny black shoes he asked for.
And, well, the brown shoes look good on Dickens, right?

Tink wants to go Christmas caroling with Chantal and some other willing dolls.
She wants to pass a hat, make some money, and go see the new Christmas movie at the Cinema with all her friends....
She's hoping the new boys will join them.
Jingle Bells anyone?
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