Hi everyone!
Christmas Stockings for the dollies!
You-Know-Who gathered the tiniest stockings she could find and asked Santa to bring some
gifties for the dolls.
Dolls for dolls! And sleds and books, and treats!
I am a little older so I know that Santa Dolly is, well, a doll. But I still want a
present at Christmas! So, for me...
It was fun dressing up in a borrowed Dark Cape at Halloween, and I feel kind of
Christmasy in a red shawl that is really a paper napkin. But I guess I would just like
a real change, for a change.
I don't think anybody notices that I always wear the same blue sailor dress outfit that I have
worn ever since Kim Lasher made me. (Or her helpers anyway.)
Wouldn't it be fun to have a change of clothes! I am excited just thinking about it....
Tell Santa Dolly? Hahahaha. Hmmm...
Two dolls who won't be here for Christmas...the Paola Reinas, Ling and
Guess who took them on her trip to see her family on Salt Spring Island...Aunt Jacalyn! Lucky
Quilla and Ling were dressed in their Christmas finery, put on their winter coats, and headed
out in their doll bag. First, Vancouver to a party!
So exciting! We are waiting for photos.
And what about Lula...who left Dolltown in November?
Read on!!
Christmas all!
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