The Odd Ones...Monster Highs, a Bratzilla...

Catrine has been here for months, hiding out.

Here she is in Lee's library, using his laptop.

Other Odd Ones have come from our Value Village...

Dolls whose names I don't know.


I have asked several times for help identifying the one I call Owl...the one with massive eyes and a jade colored dress.


Not Jade J'Adore...

I actually bought her at our grocery store

After passing her by for weeks and more.

"Take me to Dolltown!" she kept calling out as I passed.

She has heart shaped pupils. I am a sucker for sweetness.


But these dolls all huddle together, sharing the same basket.

A basket of...

I brought them home a boy a while ago, from Value Village too. I don't know who he is, but I like him. So do they!


The Odd Ones are out. They all emerged to visit Terri at her End-of-Summer Shindig!

I really must spend some time some day and figure out who all these characters are...

I used to know  the purple and black haired, skinny limbed one in the black and purple skimpy outfit... Help!


The first three below, I picked individually: Catrine, Jade and the boy.

The bottom three came in a bag together...

Okay kids! You've had your fun!

No use staying for the picnic. I can tell you don't eat...much.

Go do some scary Halloween planning. We'll see you after the next full moon.

Back to your basket. Scoot...

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    April (Thursday, 22 September 2016 17:39)

    Well, this is what happens when you've got the most popular town on the map. Dolltown has become a magnet for any and every doll of stature! And you, my friend, with your population of smartly dressed babes, your warm and welcome parties and picnics, your weakness for the pretty, the odd, and the interesting.....I see a town inundated with more and more dolls of all types and sizes. Welcome to the New York City of dolls!!!!

  • #2

    Jano (Thursday, 22 September 2016 19:05)

    phew! I have also discovered I have a thing for variety. I have to have a doll in hand... Then a singleton has to have friends. So, after several months of collecting, I stopped bringing in new groups. It's hard because I love the Gene Marshall girls, for instance, (why?) and that just would have started a new batch. And I can't! I mean fiscally, you know! Or space wise. Or, as you know, attention wise! I mean, Terri's shindig should have been over by now. She's an old bat and needs her rest! But oh no...I decided everyone needs their 15 minutes. So...we are not done yet, as your RSS will tell you. (Is that how you know? Or are my girls texting you for Dolltown attention?)
    I am hoping that the motley bunches will go " home" soon (back to their baskets).
    The Little Darlings are getting dressed for school...and they are going to want their favs to see them in their kilts, minis, and Mary Janes! And how well they study of course! :)
    A weakness for the pretty, the odd, and the interesting... ️Hahahaha. Good one!