April, talented Fashion Doll Stylist, sent us a package for Christmas.
She let me know that it was coming, that she had returned from Paris with a few things for the Little Darlings. She has become fond of them, as we are of her beautiful, and beautifully dressed, divas!
It seems far fetched, but a few of the Little Darlings snuck out of Dolltown last June, with some chaperones, of course, and headed for Paris, where April has an apartment.... But that's another story!
I didn't breathe a word to the girls about the package.
But here it is, and it wasn't long before several of the girls heard about it.
And Priscilla too! She was with the Paris girls...
A parcel! With gifts from April! And from Paris!
We are so excited... Let's open it!
It's Christmas!

The girls are beside themselves! A box packed full...
There's postcards, of the Mona Lisa, and Paris itself.
And treats! For dolls and humans!
(Can we say friandises? We must learn more French!)
And two Eiffel Towers!
A little one that Birdy gave to Priscilla to keep safe for them. (And to make her happy!)
And one that is a real 3D Eiffel Tower for the girls to color and assemble! Imagine!
So Dolltown can have its own French Quarter!
And there are tiny bunnies-stuffies for the girls!
And the loveliest note from April herself. With drawings!
Because that is just one of the things that April does as a part of being a world famous designer of doll couture.
Just saying that makes us all feel very lucky here, to have April and all her beautiful girls as Dolltown friends.
April! The Little Darlings and Priscilla say Merci Beaucoup!
The girls stopped long enough for a photo and a wave. Then ran off to tell the others.
There's enough to share.
Because it's Christmas, and we are feeling blessed.
Can you pass the caramels, girls, before you go?
(Say caramels!)
And bring me some pencil crayons? Thank you, darlings...
And thank you, dear April. Merci!
Write a comment
April (Monday, 26 December 2016 18:48)
And so the package with all the goodies I hunted down in Paris, carried over the ocean then sent from the Midwest America, has finally arrived for my favorite little dollies. It makes me so happy to see you have such a good time exploring all of the contents of the box. And from the smiles on your faces and the expression of Tink, I am reassured you are happy with my gift. Even Priscilla's frown has turned into a smile!!! Now, that really makes my day. So all of you just keep doing what you do best...... being adorable and telling great stories! Me and my girls are so very happy to be friends with all of you. Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all the residents of Dolltown.
Jano (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 13:25)
Hi April! Yes, the package arrived and it was opened on Christmas Day!
We enjoyed it so much! It is lovely to receive doll gifts that we could never have collected for ourselves...
It made a very special time for us, and the girls can't wait to color the Eiffel Tower-so pretty!
And we love the picnic basket full of dolly food-a first for us in Dolltown!
Look for some fun follow up photos...not all the girls were there! lol
I'm sorry to say the caramels are all gone. Hahaha We will put the little caramel box to good use.
Francine (Tuesday, 27 December 2016)
I can recognize some things of course... that you and your dollies enjoyed as I could read it. I'm going to read your other stories and enjoy your lovely photos. Amicalement, bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Jano (Tuesday, 27 December 2016 13:39)
Hi Francine!
Thank you for visiting! So fun to receive gifts from a dear friend from Paris.
I popped over to your site! Such beautiful girls!
I must find my translation button so I can read!
But the photos are an international language, n'est-ce pas?
Yes, please come back...more photos to come of the little Paris gifts... :)