Little Darlings and presents...

Look! I found our electric guitar!

It's been lost for months.

Our laundry room flooded during a recent cold snap, and everything had to be lifted from the floor.


And there, tucked safely in a corner was our tiny guitar...


Lula was very upset to find it gone when she returned from her trip. She wanted to show what she had learned while in Australia....


And although the guitar technically belonged to all the girls, it was just Lula who made a fuss about its disappearance.


So, when I found it, I thought it would be nice to give it to Lula, as a Christmas present...


I thought she would be happy, or at least amused...


But instead she looked at me, with that look of hers, and walked off. In a huff?


Come on, Lula! You are acting as if it was my fault it was lost for months. Lots of things get lost in Dolltown.

I can't take all the responsibility! Right?


And you have the guitar! Officially yours, now!

(I know she'll share anyway. She is good at heart. The other girls love her. We all do!)

But who am I talking to? She's gone now anyways.



Okay, who's next for a pressie? I want some smiles! Hey, Rosa! Birdy!

Oh yes! Rosa loves her tiny bear, and Birdy loves her...bird.

A bear on a string and a bird in a cage!

No complaints here! These girls love gifts!


Now, next is a special gift that showed up in Dolltown before Christmas. It belonged to an old Grandma.

And I thought Chantal and Faith were the girls for this.

Girls with patience and an appreciation for the old days.

Stay tuned...

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    April (Saturday, 31 December 2016 18:16)

    Oh such wonderful gifts! How lucky are the Little Darlings to get such nice gifts. Birdie and Faith seem to think so, too! Okay, Lula, even though the guitar is not new, it was found and given to you in the spirit of Christmas. Rejoice in the good fortune of being reunited with it again! And now, let's be thankful for such a wonderful doll mom, who through the magic of dolly angels has the unique ability of extending Christmas day for a full week! (In my house, it's New Year's Eve that lasts a week!)

  • #2

    Jano (Wednesday, 04 January 2017 14:44)

    Hahaha! Yes, Christmas does last here. And there's more!
    It is hard to resist posting when things keep happening!
    And Lula wasn't in a huff after coming! She likes to keep me on my toes.
    It's just hard to tell with her. Always assume the best!...we like to say.