Time for the rules, eh Pearl?
The girls are on the way!
Better get those crayons out!
Pearl and Zoey figured out the Eiffel Tower designs.
And they need just twelve colors for the flowers.
Zoey is trying out the red crayon, and coloring carefully to show Tink, I mean all the girls, how it's done.
(Tink thinks coloring is best when you choose a color, especially a smelly felt, and cover the whole page with it.)
Birdy and Chantal are ready.
They are singing color songs...
"Red and yellow and pink and green, purple and orange, and blue.
I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too..."

The colors are picked, even all our greens for the leaves.
Okay, are you ready Pearl?

This is what Pearl said when all the girls arrived...
Okay, girls...listen up!
Everybody gets to color flowers, leaves, butterflies, and birds.
There are twelve kinds of flowers, so each of us gets to color one kind.
If you want to use more than one color you may color a butterfly.
Here are the coloring rules:
Pick your favorite color, and if it's the same as anyone else, you can flip a coin or talk it out.
Use your designated color, only.
Color in the lines, of course.
We will begin at the bottom and work up.
The background will be left white. unless someone makes a mistake.
Then we will problem solve together.
Zoey has started, she chose the color red.
I chose blue but if anyone else wants blue, let's talk.
You will be called when it is your turn, and we'll work in pairs or threes.
Photos will be taken at every step.
Are there any questions?
The girls all agreed. And there were no questions...

That's when Pearl noticed she didn't see Xennia.
She's here! the girls said.
She's asleep on the couch...

Then Jiyoon arrived. She was visiting Auntie Mischelle and has brought a package...

Cookies! Macarons! All in pretty colors!
That woke Xennia up!

The girls decided to head to the Library and do their coloring there.

Off to the Library! Well that's great because we are expecting the Ellowynes to come for a meeting here...
Gotta call Vikka to help me haul this Eiffel Tower over to the Library!
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