The girls are coming to yoga class!
They have been dressed for days it seems!
All the girls do yoga daily. Well, some form of stretching. Okay, I guess we include floor tussling, tug of wars, and tree climbing.
And since we won't allow the tree climbing during winter, we insisted the yoga classes start again.
The girls had to wait until our instructor had her planning meet up with the other Dolltown Ellos.
Now Oksana is ready. She has decided to just have small groups. Good idea, Oksana!
Easier for me too!
Pearl is first to arrive, and Zoey joins her, then Rosa, and yoga begins....

Rosa looks like she is assisting Oksana, showing the girls poses...
Here are Birdy and Chantal, buddying up because they are both wearing pink!

Off go Rosa and Birdy. Chantal stays to join Faith and Jiyoon...

While Jiyoon takes off her boots, Faith poses for a photo.
After Faith's photo, Jiyoon poses for me.
We decided that the girls would give their New Year's Resolutions here in the Ballroom, during yoga classes, to be sure I got everyone...

Then the girls settle in for some challenging yoga.
These girls love yoga because it helps so much with dance classes!
Strength, balance, and flexibility!

Three more done, three more arrive.
This time it's Evie, Lula, and Scout!

Now, this is a serious bunch!
They use their yoga skills for dance classes, for sure.
But they also use them for tree climbing, cliff jumping, long hikes, and short sprints...

Evie takes it to a new level, with a one handed plank!
Scout is impressed.
And Evie plank-crawls right out of the Ballroom!

The last Little Darlings to arrive for yoga class-Tink and Xennia!
These two love yoga! It's the roll-around-on-the-floor class!

Okay now! Oksana decides she's had enough yoga for one day...
She gently but firmly moves these two right out of the Ballroom!
After a big hug, of course.
Now, stay tuned for the Little Darlings New Year's Resolutions!
Write a comment
Sharon in Spain (Saturday, 28 January 2017 13:43)
Oh my goodness this was such a cute photostory! The girls really are into their yoga and do it so well, they have a lot of energy so that must help them considerably. I love that the last two give their instructor a big hug on their way out....how incredibly sweet is that!!!
Hugs Sharon x
April (Saturday, 28 January 2017 14:37)
Well the girls did a lot better than I thought they would. Was expecting a lot of improvisation! But I suppose Oksana being the professional that she is, was able to keep her classes fairly serious! Bravo girls, you did good!!!!
Jano (Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:14)
Hi Sharon!
Yes, the last two are sweeties all right! Hugs all around whenever they get the chance!
I enjoyed doing this post and seeing what we could do with the LD's! Since they are basically stand-up-nice dolls!
It's sure different with the Iple bjd's, who are so "flexible, so "real" but so challenging to stand! lol I don't have KIDs or BIDs tho. Just the bigger ones. And the bigger, the more challenging to stand!
You have some doll beauties to pose!
Jano (Wednesday, 01 February 2017 16:23)
Yes, April, these girls are good learners! Goals to accomplish! And Oksana is strict but kind.
Next time we'll buddy up Tink and Xennia with new partners. They do succumb to peer pressure. Haha. Lula and Scout can often get them to do their oh-so-serious bidding! Although sometimes Xennia ends up crying and wants someone's lap to sit in...
I can just hear her. "I don't want to plank!", she'd wail.
Mischelle (Thursday, 02 February 2017 10:50)
Yes This was an amazing photo story . The girls did so many different poses that I wasn't expecting them to do ,like really great Downward facing dog. Great instructing Oksana and the clothes super cute of course
Jano (Wednesday, 22 February 2017 21:32)
Thank you Mischelle! It was so fun!
I think Oksana did a great job too!
I love our yoga clothes too...some of these outfits were our first in Dolltown!