All Come Tumbling Down!

I just have to post a photo of what happened when one of the boys wanted to join the group photo...


After our Valentine Sock Wear Fashion Show last week, I managed to get all the Little Darlings together for a group shot. This is never easy. I don't use stands. And in this shot I had all the front girls balanced and then propped two girls (two!) behind on  our metal chair, then popped in a small bench next to the chair, fully expecting everyone to fall and then I would give up and go have a coffee....


But one stood, them another, and finally Pearl. Now, these girls at the back are gently leaning on each other. But still! I was impressed and quickly took several shots.


Then I went for coffee. And then errands, then supper, evening TV, and a good sleep. And the girls stood like this for 24 hours!


Okay then! Let's introduce one of the boys to get a lead in to my Go-To-The-Movies story (coming up)!

I moved Geoff slowly in to stand beside Faith, there on the left... And what happened is the photo below.

Basically, dominoes...


I just had to take a photo. Of course!

Not one girl on the floor, thank goodness.

And there's Birdy, looking right at the camera!

On to the movie story!

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  • #1

    April (Wednesday, 22 February 2017 19:24)

    Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! A boy walks into the room and everyone loses their focus. LOL!!!!