Here is a photo of Conner tucking in after a long day of traveling with April to Paris.
This is the longest trip any of our Little Darlings have taken, for sure!
Well, except for Lula's journey to Australia and back with Lani!
And, of course, Maggie's travels to London with Tasya!
Oh wait! How could I forget an en masse secret trip to Paris last year! I think I have blocked that!
Oh that April!
(I better hang on to the Little Darlings here in Dolltown! They seem to like world travels!)
Conner is sending our girls her Paris travel stories...
On her first night, she sent this photo and she said she is in the arms of Mme. Rose, the resident bean bag lady.
"You cannot imagine how comfortable I am in her arms. Good nite!"
But let's start with Conner's arrival at April's apartment!

The Eiffel Tower!
This is the view from April's balcony!

Right away, Conner met April's doll divas who reside in her apartment.

Books, artwork, and couture garbed models...Conner is surrounded with new things!

Even in April's powder room, Conner found art, treasures, jewelry...and tiny perfume bottles!

Conner rests for a while after her long trip, and apartment explore, with a lapful of perfume bottles.
She had fun showing her Dolltown friends all the things she discovered!

After a good sleep, and after choosing her favorite bottle (that looks like it came from outer space!) Conner was tucked into April's big coat pocket.

Then April took Conner to a museum that has only dolls! Conner visited doll ancestors! There are so many! It reminded her of Dolltown...

Conner said, "Look at me! I am taking photos of the vintage dolls at school!
There are dolls from all over the world!"

Conner found dolls she wished she could bring home! And she was fascinated with all the tiny things displayed with the old dolls. Just like the French food April sent us for our Dolltown picnic!

Dioramas of ting chairs, rugs, windows, buggies, dogs, pretty dolls...Conner had so much to see at the doll museum.
Afterwards April took Conner to a park for a little fresh air and exercise! The Anne Frank Park!
April told Conner the story of Anne, who wrote "The Diary of a Young Girl" an account of her experiences during World War 11...

Anne Frank said, "Whoever is happy will make others happy too." But her story made Conner sad for a little while. However, it was fun at the park. And it was a very fun day!

And that is enough for now!
A full day of the best museum (toutes poupees!) and a playground with a history.
We'll come back to Conner's trip and tell you more about her adventures...including a chocolate cathedral!
Now, back to the dolls in Dolltown...what are they up to?
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April (Sunday, 28 May 2017 03:07)
Indeed. This has been a very good trip! On the days when she's not out and about, Conner stays in and watches lots of (French) tv. She's learning to speak like the locals!!!