Silent Sam and Priscilla call on Vikka to bring some props for our Dolltown Daycare photo shoot.
We have put Vikka in charge of our props room. She has been on hand consistently every time we have a setting change. She is remarkably strong for such a small doll. And she is a very good at delegating. Anyone nearby...
Priscilla, for instance. Priscilla likes to stand and make comments. About everything. Negative comments usually. But Vikka pays no attention to Priscilla's complaints and criticisms. She just tells her what needs doing and Priscilla finds herself carting baskets, arranging tables...
You'll notice Priscilla follows Vikka when she leaves. I think they are off to create a new setting for an upcoming event...

Here they are!
It's the Dolltown babies!
Dolltown has a Daycare, of course.
And our Vintages Darlene and Cindy are in charge.
In their past life Cindy and Darlene were favorite dolls of my sister's and mine.
After years of sleeping in a suitcase, they were thrilled to wake up and get busy.
They packed away their nurse clothes, got a makeover (silky wigs), and took on the youngest Dolltowners.
We still call them first to the First Aid Room when something happens,
but they love looking after the babies.
And that leaves the rest of us free to follow the older children around.
And keep tabs on their roaming and adventures!

We have a variety of babies and toddlers, from Berenguers to pretty Marie Osmond girls.
Cindy and Darlene love them all, but they have claimed the two littlest Berenguers as their own.
Who am I to argue! They deserve anything they want!

We have little ones from everywhere.
A little Dianna Effner porcelain cutie. We call her Zhilan.
A sweet Madame Alexander, our Neela...

All so well behaved!
Hey, here's Gabby!
What is she doing with our baby group?
She always seems to know when there is a Daycare fieldtrip, or party...or a photo shoot!
Gabby loves photos! Poses, action shots, selfies...
And the snacks are arriving!
Write a comment
April (Friday, 30 June 2017 07:40)
So very sweet, all those babies. And so very nice of Cindy and Darlene to care for them. But somehow I think Gabby is there for the photo op and...the snacks!
Jano (Wednesday, 12 July 2017 22:04)
So sweet! And you are right...Gabby was definitely there for the snacks and a photo or two. She does wander in and out of the Daycare at will. Since she is such a baby still herself! She's a bit of an opportunist; where is the most action, the best snacks...