What's This? Conner in the Dolly Express!

We heard a buzz over our heads, during our garden Eiffel Tower photo shoot...


What is it?

Wait! Is that Conner we can see peeking down at the girls?


(Oh boy. I have a feeling April, Fashion Doll Stylist, is behind this! What has she pulled off now?)


It is Conner! Welcome dear Conner! Come for hugs! And photos! And a good catch up chat!


A visit, lots of chatter and laughter....

And Conner was gone!

The boys didn't even get to see her! They'll be sorry!


Here is the note that Conner sent us after she got back to Detroit, where April awaited her return...


"To Birdie, Xennia, Pearl and all my other Dolltown friends...


I would like to thank you all for the warm reception you showed to me during my very brief visit there yesterday. I really enjoyed the festivities celebrating Dolltown's very own Eiffel Tower.


Birdie, I think you guys did such a great job at putting together our tower!!! It looks even better in person!


And Xennia.....so very good to see my BFF!!!! I've really missed you! Well, I'm really happy we were able to celebrate this event together!!!


I am also grateful to my American friends for getting me a last minute flight on Dolly Express Airlines. This was my first time on a private dolly jet and I was amazed how fast they got me to Dolltown and back in time to help April finish the Ken doll fashion report!


Even though my visit was brief, I am so happy we could all share this together! This is such a splendid moment. Big kisses. I'll be back in touch soon!!!!!"



Well, it was wonderful to see Conner, and we gave her lots of hugs! Enough hugs to last Conner for months! Or at least until the next unexpected trip she makes to Dolltown on the Dolly Express! Got a bathing suit, Conner? I think we are going to the beach soon! lol (or...mdr!)


(And thanks April! I know you were behind this trip, and made it possible for little Conner to take time from her design work, at your Design School for Girls! It was exciting!)


So exciting that the girls have insisted that we get our airplane down from its high shelf. Fine...

But don't even think you are leaving the skies over Dolltown!

And we all need a safety lesson!

You hear me?


Where did they go?

What are they doing with that ladder?


See Conner beside the gang of three? In her pretty white-with-pink-flowers-dress....

That April designed and made for her?

And to see the amazing Ken Doll Fashion Report that Conner went back to help with, click here!


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Comments: 2
  • #1

    April (Saturday, 15 July 2017 07:57)

    Well...Conner had such a long face when she saw what was happening in Dolltown. And I saw how the cherry tomatoes weren't cheering her up either. So what's an Auntie to do? Called on the help of my Barbies to book a ticket on Dolly Express! (I don't know how to do this.) And VoilĂ ! Now that she's back, I've noticed Conner is happy & has renewed energy!

  • #2

    Jano (Monday, 17 July 2017 15:02)

    Oh, what a wonderful surprise! The girls had such a fun time with Conner!
    Please thank your Barbies who made it possible... I couldn't even have imagined such an adventure!
    I am glad Conner is re-inspired to get back to her design education at your Design School for Girls.
    She is learning even more than we thought possible!
    Of course, the Dolltowners are now keeping an eye on the skies, whenever they here a buzz! lol