The little knit dollies enjoyed their sleepover!
The neighbors across the street let the little dollies come for a fun night in Dolltown. Soon they will be packed up and travel to another country to bring comfort to the children there...
Our Little Darlings, Scout, Lula, and Evie, were allowed to bring them home And they showed them a movie, fed them some popcorn, and snuggled with them before they all fell asleep.
The next day the little knit dollies met some more of the girls at the beach.
Rosa and Birdie, Tink and Xennia came to meet them just before Lula had to take them back across the street.

Not only are the knit dollies traveling to other countries!
There are piles of handmade toques, like the blue one here, being packed in bags to go too.
And Evie brought a very cute baby hat to show us too.
A yellow hat with little ears, and matching booties!

The knit dollies and the baby hats are made by Diane Magnusson.
The toques are made by Andy Bisson, and his wife Joan packs them up ready to go.
We have to get everything back to our neighbors so they can be shipped out very soon.
The non profit organization Canadian Food for Children will be sure they get to their destinations...

Scout fell in love with the little knit dollies, and Dolltown decided to pitch in for the shipping for this charitable organization, in exchange for one of the dollies.
It will be a good reminder of the charity of good people in our neighborhood.
I know the girls will be inspired!
They might not knit, but we know Scout, Lula, and Evie are already making plans to take more of the food in our kitchen down to the foodbank.
Can you leave the Frosted Flakes, girls!
Reminding us to be graaaateful! For everything we have....
See those little trolls with Tink and Xennia? Now, that's another story!
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