Fig and Chantal...
While the cat's away, a new doll character shows up.
More than one!
For all of January, I was distracted. With life itself, fundraisers, artist processes, new art shows, watching reruns of my grandson's Christmas videos...
(As cute as a doll!)
But it seems the Dolltown world doesn't stop just because I am not around to observe, abet, and record it.
The Little Darlings wanted a slumber party during our lazy January, so there were changes into pj's...

Birdy and Jiyoon started the pj party off, and we posted some of their photos.

Some of the girls, like Pearl, stayed up in their day clothes, but popped in and out to see the pj'd girls play slumber party games...
Like makeovers. Here's Faith, cozying up to Fluffy, and the girls have changed her back into her original sunkissed golden blond wig,

Faith, on the left, as we have known her for ages in her wispy wig.
And on the right and below, after finding a whole bag of wigs in their wardrobe basket, more looks on her.

And as soon as this pixie red wig was on her little head, our Faith said, "This is it."
And the other girls agreed, including Lula. (That clinched it.)
The pretty platinum mohair wig was added to the wig bag and returned to the basket of clothes.
Hey wait a minute! How about my opinion! I love Faith...

The girls were prepared to argue. So to keep the peace I got out the name book and started reading "F" names.
Now, we have a rule here in Dolltown, to accommodate my brain's predilection to put all names into alphabetical rooms in my head.
Every Little Darling has their own alphabet letter. And if they want to change their name (or if I do!) it has to start with that letter.
As soon as I read "Fig" (yes, it is on a name list!), our now pixie haired Faith jumped and said, "That's it!"
I laughed and carried on reading: Floss, Forsythia, Francine....
Two weeks of name suggestions!
Meanwhile, the other girls called her Fig, or Figgy, or Fig Newton.
And ignored my tries for a reasonable name.
Fig? That's not a name, that's a food!
"I like figs.", our new little red head says.
That's not the point, I reply.
No one is listening...
Some of these girls, including...Fig, were on hand when a box arrived.
With a Detroit address! We know what that means!
Conner and April have sent us a package!
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April (Monday, 19 February 2018 17:23)
Ooooooo Fig......we like that name. It sounds delicious!!!! Such a cute look!!! I asked Conner if she understands what just happened.. She told me she (and her alias Coco)....totally get it. After all, even though she's a world traveler now.....she's still a Dolltowner!!!!
Jano (Wednesday, 21 February 2018 11:33)
Well, I hesitated posting this so soon after the girls did their makeover, because I get attached to looks. I imagined we might go back to "Faith" after the novelty of change wore off. We'll see. lol
For now, Fig continues, bringing her own special flavor to the Dolltown action...