And here she is.
We have called her Indira...
Each Little Darling has arrived under different circumstances. And this is very true of this Sculpt Four pretty brunette.
Dianna added a new sculpt to her original three last year. I had the opportunity to spend time watching this new sculpt of Dianna's take its place with the doll collectors I chum with online.
This sculpt is a special mold, with its great big eyes, and comes in a variety of skin tones.
We scanned the Fours coming in to collectors from the different Little Darling face painters, and created a collection of some favorites.
And when an opportunity came up with one of my fav painters, Helen Montgomery Skinner, along with an irresistible offer, I deliberated and then succumbed.
And requested this sweet look, with dark eyes and hair. She surpasses our expectations.
My thanks go out to Helen.
Indira joins Tink, Scout and Xennia, her Helen sisters. And the rest of the Little Darlingss and Dolltowners.
Now, who was around to welcome Indira when the box arrived?
Xennia, Tink, Birdy, and Fig...
Our Scout by Helen was nowhere to be found.

And that was Indira's welcome.
Hugs all around after finding her shoes and a sweater for our northern clime.
You'll notice our girls are dressed in a motley collection of clothes, from winter dresses, to pj's, to jeans and sweaters. That was our January...a free for all.
Now though, it is time to get these girls ready for Valentines Day!
I have my work cut out for me!
Stay tuned!
Write a comment
April (Monday, 19 February 2018 17:29)
Welcome Indira!!!! What a beautiful doll with her great big eyes and cappuccino complexion! I know she will be one popular little girl there in Dolltown. I see Xennia has already taken a shine to her. Oh, your girls are so wonderful at welcoming in a new resident!!!! P.S. Birdie looks divine in her pink satin pajamas. Oh dear.....Conner is asking if she can have a pair like that..........
Jano (Wednesday, 21 February 2018 11:46)
Indira is very pretty! Very appealing!
I love having a little diversity in Dolltown and have to hold myself back, as dolls-of-all-kinds come to my attention. NOT acquiring dolls over the last year or more has helped me understand what I do value in my doll collection.
I definitely value some of my great choices and opportunities, like Indira. And like the Betsy McCall pink satins! lol A good tip? Re Conner's request? DISTRACTION! I use it a lot...