
Ellowynes as Lifeguards!

These Dolltown Ellowynes offered to oversee the children at the beach.



And they said they would come prepared. But brushes? combs? Of course! They are fashion dolls! 

We were thinking sun screen, life-jackets, and ring buoys, girls! But, thanks! Glad you are here.

Here they come. First, the Little Darlings in buddy pairs...

You're on, Ellowynes!

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Comments: 2
  • #1

    April (Thursday, 13 September 2018 11:23)

    Oh my girls TOTALLY understand your Ellowynes. It’s very important to be prepared for emergencies with brushes, combs and even lipgloss at the beach....like cute boys who show up out of nowhere!!! LOL!!!

  • #2

    Jano (Sunday, 16 September 2018 19:27)

    Haha, for sure! Probably why they offered in the first place! I’m wondering what’s in Bandy’s drawstring bling bag by her side. ...Refreshments?