Posts tagged with "BeachDay"

31. August 2016
Phoebe and Oiya arrive at the beach in their bathing suits. Lucky girls! Most of the girls are wearing sundresses and pantaloons to the beach...

31. August 2016
Conner leaves Dolltown to go on assignment. Just as Coco arrives in Dolltown. Sometimes these things happen... Leau brings her blue eyed buddy, Coco, to the beach.

25. August 2016
Here is a photo we received from Lula a couple of months ago. We couldn't wait to hear more about these cute little dollies with her! Lula Star arrived home to Dolltown in early August, after months of traveling, and living in Australia. And we heard the story ... At times, when she was gone, Lula was by herself...with only the noise of an air conditioner for company. So, on one of their journey adventures , to New Zealand, Lani and Fin got her some companions, an international adoption! They...