Posts tagged with "Hal"

Little Darlings · 25. January 2019
The rest of the Little Darlings show up for Yoga Time. As well as little girls, the boys, and who else? And why are three of our LD's not waiting for our Little Darling yoga leader?

08. August 2017
Kidz n Cats Jakob, our Hal, brings the little girls to see the Eiffel Tower. Lilac Moon, Gabby, and Vera are amazed!

07. September 2016
Terri's back after an afternoon nap...just in time to welcome the In Betweens. Not little children, not adults... We have Crissy, with her long braid, and Kimberley...both newish vintages. Cheerful girls! And Becky! With her handsome boy. Older vintages! And they have dance skills! Fox trot, waltz!

20. March 2016
Here's the children, but where's Gabby? She was here to meet Whoopi...but something was wrong! Gabby had trouble standing up and holding her pose for the photos with the girls and Whoopi. After the last photo shoot she fell to the ground. Shasta had to go and get help. Big Hal carried Gabby to Dolltown's First Aid Room....