Posts tagged with "TonnerEllowyne"

Tonners & Ellowynes · 11. July 2018
These Dolltown Ellowynes offered to oversee the children at the beach. And they came prepared for the photo shoot! Of course! Brushes, combs... They are fashion dolls! But we were thinking sun screen and life-jackets, girls! But, thanks...

Fashion Dolls · 16. June 2018
Tonner Ellowynes, now discontinued, live on in Dolltown. Time for an excursion to the garden for some fresh air. Three Ellowyne sculpts here, Amber, Lizette, Ellowyne Woefully Romantic

14. September 2016
The Ellowynes have been in and out of Dolltown all summer. The local girls have been off to the City visiting and doing business with the City girls. And the City girls have been traveling to other countries. (And our Willow was on the catwalk of Paris in June!) We knew the Dolltown Ellowynes were back. But we didn't know the City gang was here too! But they all came down to Terri's End-of-Summer Shindig! First Eddie, Willow and Bandy brought the City group. They had to leave early to get back...

29. June 2016
Pop Up Shop coming in Dolltown! Our City girls traveled to other destinations to hunt for upcycling possibilities. They are on the lookout in local markets for small, unique items they can box up or pop in their totes. But they keep getting distracted by things they want for, jewelry, eye catching clothes!

14. June 2016
Our Ellowyne girls are planning a major Pop Up of their own. They are meeting to finalize plans for the venue, and decide on how to market their event. I told them they can use our Facebook page...

22. May 2016
The Little Darlings were invited to a Facebook Anniversary party. And found there were no Little Darling frilly, smocked, or lace dresses in their cupboard! Well, not enough to go around...

18. May 2016
The Tonner Ellowyne dolls interact with all the other Dolltowners, most of the time... Here are a few random shots of the Ellowynes with others, over the last year.

15. September 2015
Noddy's Dolltown buddies are expecting her to show up at the cafe for Happy Hour. However, she is not likely to show up. I saw her in the Dolltown First Aid Station myself, huddled naked under a quilt. She's been there for a couple of days, no procedure yet. Noddy and her friend, Bandy, are actually still waiting for a heating pad. A blow dryer was suggested, but the girls opted for the longer wait time and, apparently, a shorter procedure. As the doll fixer, I am...procrastinating. Letting...