Posts tagged with "Zoey"

Little Darlings · 27. June 2018
All the Little Darlings in Dolltown came to the sunny garden dressed in their finest, and played with their best friends for hours. After living in London for a year, Little Darling Maggie is home again, bringing her very own cat pet! BFF Jiyoon is very happy to have Maggie back again!

13. October 2017
It's the Little Darlings! During my Hiya Dolly hiatus, the girls had the run of Dolltown. Of course they had their caregivers running after them, making sure they were safe and didn't eat too many caramels francais, or climb too high in the trees... After a while, as the weather turned cool, several of the girls decided it was time to change and get ready for school. So, with a little help, they dug through the boxes and found the sweaters, shirts, and plaids. And they convinced even the...

27. July 2017
Little Darlings Pearl and Zoey, bring boy buddy Chris to see the completed Eiffel Tower. Chris checks out the model...

17. January 2017
All the Little Darlings gather for a meeting about the coloring of the Eiffel Tower! What are the coloring rules, Pearl?

14. January 2017
Little Darling Pearl organizes the Eiffel Tower color sorting! BFF Zoey helps too.

12. December 2016
While the Dolltowners are enjoying some Christmas time together in the Community Centre, the Little Darlings are arriving at the Dolltown Library. Jiyoon is already here. She is bringing out Christmas decorations, and Little Darling ribbons and bows. The little girls are getting ready to decorate the Community Centre as soon as some more of the children are done. They are using the Dolltown Library until it's ready. Shhh. Quiet, girls!

08. November 2016
A few of the girls got out for some fresh air on a day when most were inside watching current events on TV.

26. October 2016
The Iples have invited the Dolltowners to their abode, Dolltown Abbey, for Halloween festivities. Vikka and the Halloween characters are getting the Moon Arch room ready. We see Skeleton, Black Cat, Spider AND Spidey. And Lee's raven is here! Little Darling witches, Lula and Jiyoon, arrive to check it out. And Tink and Zoey arrive in their costumes... No Iples in sight...yet.

22. October 2016
Faith and Zoey were on hand as the old jewelry boxes were sorted during a clutter clearing. So they not only got to pick jewelry that stayed, but put together a velvet box of jewelry for dolls. And they each chose a bead necklace to wear to school...

10. August 2016
Lula Star left Dolltown last November for Melbourne, Australia... My daughter Lani moved there with her Tasmanian BAE, but tucked Lula in her camera bag. For several months, Lula traveled as well to New Zealand, Indonesia, and explored interesting topography with Lani and Fin. Now Lula is back! Scout is first to greet her...old friends.

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